There are 14,729 active Member Coolie families in 581 functioning CSUs in the 4 Extension taluks.
This means a rise of 85 villages and 998 families during the last 6 months.
Population coverage has dropped to 26% (down from 35% on 30 September 1999) due to the addition of relatively large villages where less percentage of the population are from the Coolie caste-class.
Compared to the 2 year old 2nd Consortium Application, the present membership figures represent a substantial rise of 74 villages (507 to 581) and 139 Member Coolie families (14,590 to 14,729).
Though the ethnic composition of the membership has changed only slightly, it is still worrisome that strength of SC/ST families within the CSUs has dropped by a further 2% — they now comprise only 58% of the membership.
There is a huge change in the ethnic coverage figures because of the drop in overall coverage — i.e. the taking on of more (and larger) villages has resulted in only 33% of the SC/ST population being in the CSUs (down from 43% in September 1999), 28% of middle castes (down from 37% in September 1999), and 15% of upper castes (down from 21% in September 1999).