To assist the Coolies in this final year of Coolie Sangha Consolidation so that they can take over all and every responsibility by March 1995 when ADATS totally withdraws from Bagepalli taluk.
To keep the ADATS central office going till April 1995 when these costs will be borne by the donor consortium being formed by NOVIB, ICCO and EZE.
To continue the skill training programme for another year with 3 more sessions for a total of 90 Coolie youth and place them at well paying jobs in factories at Bangalore.
Background for this application
On 22 January 1993 ADATS submitted a 2 year proposal for Coolie Sangha Consoli-dation in the Chelur Area of Bagepalli taluk. On 21 July 1993 NOVIB approved a 1 year phase of this project, as Ida 014-93-001, for the period January to December 1993. We are therefore preparing this application for the remaining year (stretched to 15 months to accommodate the Indian financial year ending 31st March) of Coolie Sangha Consolidation.