The sheer work done during the past 16 months in preparation for our total withdrawal from Bagepalli taluk by March 1995 has been staggering. Every single day has been a hectic one full of village and cluster meetings, special reflections, heated discussions, and poring over literally thousands of possible solutions for problems that Coolies will encounter the moment they take formal and absolute control over their organisation.
This Report has to be read as a continuum of the preceding one dated October 1993 on the DLDP 2nd Phase project. But unlike that one, this Report is not the product of a participatory process with the Coolies. It is a document prepared by ADATS with reflections, analysis and criticism which the BCS would do well to ponder on. In some ways, the new role of ADATS in accompanying the independent BCS is getting initiated with the writing of this 2nd Progress Report on Coolie Sangha Consolidation in Bagepalli taluk.