In January 92 we deliberately understated our achievements and said that procedures introduced within a definite structure had provided a discipline which formed the Coolie Sangha. We refused to make a great deal of the unity which had been achieved in 148 villages and said that as many “functioning CSUs” had been built up.
This past year has given us a deep satisfaction and feeling of accomplishment. There are 9 less functioning CSUs in the 4 extension areas, but we can now state with confidence that 116 of them are strong and viable CSUs. Membership has dropped to 3,001 families, but these are Coolies who are really serious about taking their lives into their own hands.
Coolie Sangha Formalisation efforts have proceeded surprisingly well these past months, mainly because it was in accordance to a plan derived bottom up thorough fairly protracted exercises involving all the village staff and elected Representatives. And also because of very systematic hard work on the part of the extension staff.
Decentralised and democratic structures are so much in place that the ADATS/DDS staff, who now seem to have stabilised as working teams with perfect coordination and understanding at each Extension Programme, are now able to give individual attention to member families and their problems.