ADATS is a trim and flat organisation with minimum hierarchy and reporting levels. The entire area of operation of ADATS is divided into 17 "Areas" that comprise of 25-30 functioning village Coolie Sangha Units (CSUs). Each Area is looked after by an Area Field Worker. Individually and collectively, they are Process Owners of various activity processes. The good and timely execution of these processes lead to Efficiency in the organisation.
Village CSUs, on the other hand, have the responsibility to further these processes into a higher level of efficacy or Effectiveness.
Senior Staff are owners of support/enabling processes that facilitate the above:
Though we try not to departmentalise, work load, specialisation, overall responsibilities and the chasing of near impossible targets do tend to compartmentalise our interests and participation.
The Organogram clearly traces the lines of reporting and control between ADATS and the Coolie Sangha, and Job Descriptions elucidate the tasks, positions, responsibilities and reporting procedures of various ADATS Staff and Coolie Sangha Functionaries.